Greystone Nature Preserve, 8531 Bear Lake Rd, Fredonia, New York 14063
Rain or Shine (If thunderstorms, there will be a talk indoors)
Suggested donation $7 - All proceeds go to Greystone
Herbalists know that the taste and smell of a medicinal plant may reveal a lot about its effects. When should we cook a spicy dish, or drink a moistening tea? Which herbs can support the immune system, or digestion? In this plant walk, holistic herbalist Sarah Sorci will guide participants through the differences between aromatic, bitter, mucilaginous, sweet, sour, and nutritive flavors. We will smell and taste plants along the way, and sample herbal concoctions. Learn how these principles are relevant to the herbs and spices in your pantry, and the weeds in your backyard.
Contact Sarah Sorci to register for this event: or 716-997-2007