Lockwoods Garden Center
4484 Clark St, Hamburg
3 class series (6pm - 7:30pm): attend one for $10, or all three for $25.
Lockwood's customers might expect to find edible plants exclusively in the vegetable and fruit tree sections. However, there are edible and medicinal uses for a range of "ornamentals," allowing us to enjoy our garden in creative ways while not detracting from its beauty.
In this 3-part series, Community Herbalist Sarah Sorci will highlight edible and medicinal plants in 3 departments at Lockwoods. She will discuss safe cultivars; proper plant parts for use and time of harvest; delicious recipes and more.
May 17: Perennials. Learn about delicious bee balm tea, relaxing blue vervain, sweet flag root for digestion, lemony wood sorrel, wild geranium, hostas, yarrow and more.
May 24: Herbs. Though we are familiar with culinary uses of herbs, many of us are unaware of the potent medicinal properties of these plants. Learn the medicinal uses of lemon balm, holy basil, rosemary, thyme, mint, sage and more.
May 31: Trees and Shrubs. A number of native and non-native trees and shrubs have tasty flowers, vitamin-rich hips, and medicinal bark and leaves. Learn how to make your own witch hazel and use rose plants, sweet shrub, elder, raspberry leaves and more.
To register, contact Lockwoods at 716-649-4684 or visit their workshop page.