Creative Wellness, 726 Main St, East Aurora. Tuesdays, 5/23 and 5/30, 7-8:30pm.
In these hands-on workshops, Community Herbalist Sarah Sorci will introduce you to twelve locally-abundant plants we can use for food and medicine. Many of these herbs may already live in your backyard. Sarah will share detailed information about their properties, identification, and safe, easy ways to use these herbs this spring.
Wonderful Wild Greens (5/23): Learn to identify and harvest cleavers, chickweed, self-heal, violet and more. Learn about the support these plants offer our digestion, skin, lymphatic and immune systems, in addition to their tasty contribution to meals. Each participant will craft an herb-infused oil for topical use.
Rich Roots (5/30): A number of weedy roots offer unique support to our liver, digestion and skin. Learn the special properties of plants like burdock, chicory, dandelion root and yellow dock. Each participant will craft an herb-infused vinegar to take home.
Cost: $30 for one class / $50 for both classes. Click here to register.